This Bike Is A Pipe Bomb This Bike Is A Pipe Bomb - The ballad of Sonny Liston

Sonny Liston was a man with dead eyes
every man alive was scared to look in them cold dead cloudy eyes
he couldn't read and he couldnt write
all that he knew how to do was rob and he could fight
he never knew the day or year that he was born
his mama had 13 kids on an arkansas farm
he never had no love to share for his dad
he said that bastard beat me every chance he had
he started his career out on a robbing spree
where he and his two buddies got thrown in the slammer
he learned to box there
the wardens and the preachers taught him
he got so good, they let him out early to benefit the sport and the nation
back then boxing was ruled by frankie carbo
him and a handful of other mafioso types you wouldnt wanna fuck with
they got Sonny's contract fair and square
by tapping his old manager on the shoulder sayin' get outta here
he fought his way to the top and he never did look back
knocked the champ on his ass in two minutes flat and thats where his troubles began
he started drinking gambling and partying all night long
but he was fighting and winning still so nobody seemed to mind
then came Cassius Clay, he gave Sonny the fight of his life
seven rounds later there was a new king of the ring
and Sonny walked away with his head in his hands
now Sonny still worked for the mob, and the story goes he upset them
so his wife comes home to find his dead bloated body filled with drugs he never used